ShiftNrg Quarterly Update: Q1 2021

What’s been going since the New Year? Lots.

As you may have read in our end-of-year summary covering Q3 and Q4 2020, the ShiftNrg team has been busy, working hard to develop our core tech to enable a truly decentralized web.

Last year was difficult for a wide array of reasons, but in the face of adversity, our team and community persevered.

In summary, we redenominated SHIFT to create Wrapped Shift, hired Monte Labs to audit the wSHIFT contract, listed on Uniswap DEX, launched Substrate testnet v0.0.1, released 2 mainnet updates, joined the Polkadot Hello World Hackathon, acquired additional web domains for future use, updated our website, and more!

ShiftNrg proudly ended last year with 100% uptime on our blockchain!

Read all the details in our last newsletter, here.


In the few months since the new year, we are incredibly excited to report a number of noteworthy updates:

In keeping with the transparency of our community-based project, our devs decided to release monthly updates to keep you informed of the progress being made towards decentralizing the web!

What’s happening in Q2 and beyond?

A new Substrate testnet version with more functionality.

Getting the Phoenix demo online.

Increase liquidity in our Uniswap pool.

Integration with Blockfolio.

An automated wSHIFT migration process.

Continuing to revamp our public image and increase community outreach.

World Day Against Cyber Censorship was on Friday, March 12th and as the only truly decentralized web solution, ShiftNrg, wholly and unequivocally denounces censorship in any form — stay tuned for updates about our decentralized platform that will allow for unstoppable censorship-free content.

Stay tuned for the next installment of our now quarterly summary that will go into more detail about all the exciting happenings at ShiftNrg.


Sincerely yours,

The ShiftNrg Team

About ShiftNrg:

ShiftNrg combines the transparency, immutability, and decentralization of blockchain technology with distributed hosting. We are a community of crypto-enthusiasts who believe in your right to a decentralized web. As an exciting 2021 begins, our project is continuing to develop technology to decentralize the internet as we know it and overcome censorship throughout the world.

Follow us on Twitter, connect to our Discord, join our Telegram, review our code on GitHub, and ask us on Reddit.

Feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Reach us as above or by email: [email protected]

P.S. Clap 50 times for this article by clicking and holding on the “clap” icon!


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