ShiftNrg Token Update: SHIFT to wSHIFT Swap Open!

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ShiftNrg coin holders are now able to migrate their SHIFT coin to the Ethereum ecosystem with wSHIFT on Uniswap!

As announced last month and thanks to the hard work of our developers, a manual swap is currently open whereby you can convert SHIFT to wSHIFT. wSHIFT is tradeable on Uniswap with liquidity constantly increasing. Over the next several weeks, as we complete the development of the migration, an automated process will be functional.

Instructions to swap from SHIFT to wSHIFT via the manual process are available here.

ShiftNrg is also actively developing our Substrate-based blockchain which will integrate with our Phoenix platform to provide anti-censorship content and web-hosting needs across the globe.

Please note:

  1. We are not responsible for any mistakes that occur on your end and will not fix anything that would go against the principle of blockchain immutability. Review each step carefully, do not rush, and verify everything several times before submitting! If you are unsure or want to confirm any step along the way, reach out to our community for assistance.
  2. Because these are manual requests a 1.0% priority migration fee will be included automatically. The minimum fee will be $10 USD worth of wSHIFT if 1.0% of your migration does not meet that minimum threshold.
  3. The process of verification will take up to 1–3 days, though processing times are not guaranteed due to high demand. Users will be notified when their migration has been processed.
  4. There is no “auto-migration.” There’s a manual process available now and an automated process that will be available in a few weeks but that only refers to the processing of the transaction. The initiation of the transaction is manual, by the user, in both instances.
  5. If you do not wish to pay the higher fee or are otherwise unsatisfied with the process delineated above, we recommend you wait until the automatic process is released in the next few weeks.

Questions related to wSHIFT swaps? Join our Discord server and ask away in our #support channel. Please be courteous, take the time to see if your questions have already been answered earlier, and above all respect our Code of Conduct.

Our Quarterly Summary covering Q1 2021 is due in the next few weeks and will have further details of the progress our team has made towards a truly decentralized web! As always, follow us on Twitter or join our Telegram for the latest updates in real-time.


The ShiftNrg Team

About ShiftNrg:

Follow us on Twitter, connect to our Discord server, join our Telegram channel, review our code on GitHub, and stalk us on Reddit.

Feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Reach us as above or by email: [email protected]


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