ShiftNrg Developers’ Update #2

Our dev team wants to keep you informed of the progress being made towards decentralizing the web. To this end, we will be publishing monthly dev updates to the best of our ability. These developer updates will be in addition to our quarterly summaries.

In our last dev update, we discussed our progress on building out the wSHIFT bridge design and data model. Our lead developers remain hard at work on that piece of the puzzle. Unfortunately, the devs encountered an infrastructural issue in testing with AWS and that has delayed the projected delivery of an automated swap mechanism. Due to the intricacies of automating a process that will mint tokens and given that our devs also have full-time jobs outside of our project, the expected release of our automated bridge is the end of April; we believe strongly in our ability to meet or exceed this deadline and will work hard to do so. In this context, it is worth noting that the idea of our developers working on ShiftNrg full-time was brought up by our community and our lead developer has stated that it is a longer-term possibility. While not something that will happen immediately, the future is limitless, and with the work of the team and community, it is an attainable goal in the future.

In this update, we will be discussing Alexa’s work on our website.

In the last few months, Alexa has made 45 contributions to our website’s GitHub page. From cleaning up our links and updating the news section to include recent articles and updates, to creating a team page and helping create a cookie consent banner with Mike’s help, Alexa has consistently and creatively improved the UI and updated our site to revamp our public image and increase community outreach — goals that we set out to achieve in our last quarterly summary covering Q3 & Q4 of 2020. We continue to work on these objectives as the year progresses and we encourage any and all feedback or suggestions from our community. As a community-driven project, we take your voices to heart (see our Telegram and Discord groups for some recent examples!). Join our lively Discord server to interact with us and stay up to date on everything ShiftNrg-related.

While we continue to make progress on our website and the bridge, we are continuing to expand wSHIFT swaps to everyone and are working on shutting down the mainnet so that we may refocus our efforts on the future of decentralization.

Sincerely yours,

The ShiftNrg Team

P.S. We would be remiss if we did not share this GIF that Brad, one of our community members, made, demonstrating how quick and easy it is to vote for our talk, “The Case for a #Decentralized, #Uncensored Internet" (found under “Lightning Pitch”), at Polkadot Decoded 2021:

GIF by Brad

Please vote @ShiftNrg at #PolkadotDecoded under “Lightning Pitch” by clicking this link →


About ShiftNrg:

Follow us on Twitter, connect to our Discord, join our Telegram announcements channel, review our code on GitHub, and ask us on Reddit.

Feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Reach us as above or by email: [email protected]


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